Val er klar for å gi opp kjærligheten. Den har ikke ført til annet enn hemmeligheter og hjertesorg, og hun er ganske sikker på at det hviler en forbannelse over henne; ingen i familien, i generasjoner, har noen gang hatt hell i kjærlighet. Men så vekker et tilfeldig møte noe i Val. Er det ekte kjærlighet? Kan dette være hennes sjanse til å bryte familiens forbannelse? Eller skal hun leve med et knust hjerte for alltid? Grafisk roman for ungdom.
. - Alder: Ungdom 13-16 år/Unge voksne
Valentina Tran was named after Valentine's Day, which used to be her favorite holiday. But when Val learns the truth behind what happened with her parents and why she's being raised by a single father, she realizes true love is a lie. This is reinforced when she meets the spirit of Saint Valentine, who tells her she and her family are cursed to always be unlucky in love. Val is ready to give into her fate, until one Lunar New Year festival, where a mysterious lion dancer hands her a paper heart, and ZING. Val becomes determined to change her destiny, prove Saint Valentine wrong, and give her heart to the right person.
Meanwhile, lion dancing is the only thing that has given Jae peace after his dad passed away. It's also what keeps him connected to his father's side of the family. Both Jae and his cousin Leslie notice Val at the Lunar New Year festival, and for some inexplicable reason, Jae hands Val a paper heart. But it's Leslie, with his K-Pop good looks, who starts to date Val. Jae still feels this connection with Val and feels it's somehow tied to how he feels about losing his father.
Both Val and Jae struggle with the spirits who haunt them as they are inextricably brought together in a love story that is satisfying, sweet, and moving.