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82 PIL
121 s.
God, leselig skrift . - Nkr 80.00
Humor . - Romaner . - Roman
0-439-01457-3 : Nkr 80.00 . - 978-0-439-01457-1
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When naughty George and Harold hypnotise their headteacher, they accidentally create the greatest superhero in the history of their school -- Captain Underpants! His true identity is so secret that even HE doesn't know who he is... but he's fighting for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony!! If you're a naughty villain like the diabolical Dr Diaper, watch out! Captain Underpants has wedgie-power on his side, and he's coming your way
Fant 52 titler  Vis alle

A tale of two kitties

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey, as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Garib)
Bok utgitt 2017
Ledig (Avd.: Rennesøy bibliotek - Plassering: Tegneserier T 82 PIL)
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Brawl of the wild

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Gariba)
Bok utgitt 2018
Ledig (Avd.: Rennesøy bibliotek - Plassering: Tegneserier T 82 PIL)
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Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from Outer Space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds)

av Dav Pilkey (the third epic novel by Dav Pilkey ; with colour by Jose Garibaldi)
Bok utgitt 2015
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 2. etasje Barn og ungdom - Plassering: Engelsk, barnebøker PIL)
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Captain underpants and the revolting revenge of the radioactive robo-boxers : the tent epic novel

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey)
Bok utgitt 2013
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 2. etasje Barn og ungdom - Plassering: Engelsk, barnebøker 82 PIL)
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Captain Underpants and the sensational saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot : the twelfth epic novel

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey)
Bok utgitt 2015
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 2. etasje Barn og ungdom - Plassering: Engelsk, barnebøker 82 PIL)
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Captain Underpants and the wrath of the wicked Wedgie Woman : the fifth epic novel

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey)
Bok utgitt 2001
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Madla bibliotek, Barneavdelingen - Plassering: Engelsk 82 PIL)
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Cat kid comic club

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Gariba)
Bok utgitt 2020
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 2. etasje Barn og ungdom - Plassering: Tegneserier, engelsk T PIL)
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Dog Man

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Gariba)
Bok utgitt 2016 | Inngår i serie
Ledig (Avd.: Rennesøy bibliotek - Plassering: Engelsk, barnebøker T 82 PIL)
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