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781.646 KAT
446 s.
978-1-908279-30-9 : 250 kr
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1Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk MusikkbøkerPå hylla 781.646 KAT
As the title implies, this is a book of oral histories - stories from those people who were part of the amazing Jamaican music scene of the 1950s, '60s, and '70s and who watched the music develop and form into what became one of the world's most popular genres of music. There is, expectedly, a bit of braggadocio, lots of devastatingly sad stories, and plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. These stories come from a variety of insiders, many of whom are reggae greats, and to understand these people is to understand the music.

People Funny Boy : the genius of Lee "Scratch" Perry

av David Katz
Bok utgitt 2006
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: musikkbøker 781.646092 PER)
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Solid foundation : an oral history of reggae

av David Katz
Bok utgitt 2012
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Musikkbøker 781.646 KAT)
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Bibliotekarenes bokanmeldelser - fra anbefalinger.deichman.no

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