On September 10th, 2008 the photo exhibition Figures de Paix by Micheline Pelletier was opened at Stavanger Cathedral School, as part of the the European Capital of Culture programme. Inspired by these unique photographs of Nobel Peace Price laureates, students from the Cathedral School (lyrics) and St. Svithun college (music) had created a song cycle which was given its first performance that night. The owner of the exhibition GDF SUEZ E&P Norge decided to sponsor the CD of all the music played by the St. Svithun students
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Innhold: Prolog ; Omsorg ; Himmel ; Femten og et halvt år ; Mennesket ; Men bare hvis ; Er det mogleg ? ; Smilevirus ; Eg holde din hånd
. - Produsent: Randi Tytingvåg, John Lilja
. - Utøvere: Johs Ringås, projectcoordinator ; Simon Brunvathne Bjerkestrand, percussion, guitar ; Marte Flem Bjørshol, flute ; Jens Borge, electric and double bass ; Magnus Hole Fjetland, guitar ; Sveinung Hæstad, guitar, vocal ; Daniel Hageland, guitar, percussion ; Randi Hodnefjell, percussion, vocal ; Frode Jacobsen, piano, backing vocal ; Benedicte Aimee Johansen, viola ; Benedicte Kyllevik, piano, vocal ; Andre Larsen, drums, percussion ; Marthe Næss Lea, saxophone, ; Elise Måsvær, vocal, piano ; Elin Kleppa Michalsen, violin ; Steinar Mossige, drums, percussion, vibraphone ; Olaug Hauge Norheim, trumpet ; Ragnhild Nøstvold, piano ; Lars Norås, vocal ; Petter Selvig, piano ; Lars Sollesnes, violin ; Steinar Bore Træet, violin ; Silje Husmo Undrum, trombone ; Ingrid Bergaas Utne, bass ; Erik Vistnes, vocal ; Marius Ytredal, guitar, piano, accordion ; Marco Kanic, voice
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179 kr