781 293-2
. - I love you ; Fool, fool, fool ; One mint julep ; Ting-a-ling / TheClovers. Shouldn't know ; Wheel of fortune / The Cardinals. Thechill is on ; Chains of love ; Sweet sixteen / Turner. Gator'sgroove / Jackson. The midnight hour / Charles.
. - Innhold: Lowe groovin' ; The Applejack ; Anytime, anyplace,anywhere / Morris. Annie Laurie ; Midnight special / Grimes. Coleslaw / Culley. Drinkin' wine spo-dee-o-dee / McGhee. So long ;Teardrops from my eyes ; 5-10-15 hours ; Daddy daddy / Brown. Heylittle girl ; Mardi gras in New Orleans / Professor Longhair. Teenah nah / Walls. Don't you know
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