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Bulletiner 1992

554.8105 NOR
b. 422-
Innhold: Nr. 425: The conglomerates of the Sel Group, Otta-Vågåarea, Central Norway, an example of terrane-linking succession /Reidulv Bøe, Brian Sturt, Donald RamsayRb-Sr and Sm-Nd relationships in dyke and sill intrusions in theOslo Rift and related areas / Bjørn Sundvoll, Jan Sverre LarsenInterpretation of the Proterozoic Kautokeino Greenstone Belt,Finmark, Norway from combined geophysical and geological data /Odleiv Olesen, Jan Sverre Sandstad . - Innhold: Nr. 422 : Groundwater contribution to a mountain streamchannel, Hedmark, Norway / Sylvi Haldorsen ... et al. - Baseflowproduction from partially peat-covered catchments, Jonsvatnet,Mid-Norway / Masaya Yasuhara and Gaute Storrø. - Groundwaterchemistry during test-pumping at Sundby, Verdal, Mid-Norway / BerntOlav Hilmo, Ola M Sæther and Sissel Tvedten. - Saline groundwaterextraction from the fjord delta aquifer, Sunndalsøra, Møre ogRomsdal, Norway / Oddmund Soldal ... et al. - An integrated studyof a precambrian granite aquifer, Hvaler, Southeastern Norway /David Banks, Erik Rohr-Torp and Helge Skarphagen. - Oil-leakageson the Øvre Romerike aquifer, Southern Norway / Gaute Storrø andDavid Banks. - Groundwater contamination at Trandum landfill,Southeastern Norway / Ola M Sæther ... et al. - Acidificationof groundwater in the Bohemian Massif / Zbynek Hrkal. - . - Innhold: Nr. 423: Petrologi and metallogeny associated with the Tryvann Granite Complex, Oslo region / Odd Nilsen. - Strontium isotopecomposition of the Bindal Batholit, Central Norwegian Caledonides /Øystein Nordgulen & Bjørn Sundvoll. - Geology of three dioriticplutons in Velfjord, Nordland / Calvin G. Barnes, Tore Prestvik,Øystein Nordgulen & Melanie A. Barnes. - Lead-Zinc hydrethermalmineralization in the Pechenga Area, Kola Peninsula, Russia /Marat Z. Abzalov & Genrikh I Ryungenen . - Litt. henv. i teksten . - 0100
Kr. 100