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Mari Slaattelid : templates

759.81 MAR
168 sider
Katalog over en utstilling avholdt i Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, fra 23. mai-11. august 2019; og på Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, fra 26. februar-25. april 2020 . - Templates.is a new.publication which accompanies Slaattelid's exhibitions at Bergen.Kunsthall (2019) and Kunstnernes Hus (2020). Documenting.her works for these exhibitions, the.book focuses on two groups.of paintings: In Kystverket Slaattelid repeatedly depicts a prosaic yet charged motif, consisting of a.coastal landscape with a lantern (navigation.marker) and - in silhouette.against the sky - an operator adjusting the.light signal. The.Template-paintings on the other hand evokes a more abstracted landscape.motif .found from residual.material during the painting process, in which a.coastal landscape silhouette is lifted from traces of paint left on pieces of.masking tape. The works reflect the painter's gaze; ways of seeing not only the surroundings, but also ways of dealing with representation, and how the non-material act of perception can be translated into the tactile presence of a painted work. The gaze.is a recurring theme in the book, appearing.both in the lantern motif, where a circle is inscribed in a triangle like an all-seeing eye, and in a series of works depicting a human eye.