| Following his critically acclaimed Two Volume Tapestry Of Delights, which has become the definitive encyclopaedic guide to UK rock and pop of the 1963-1976 era, this stunning publication applies exactly the same format used for Tapestry and focuses on the revolution the music business underwent in the UK over the next 10 years and analyses the bands and artists from several exciting new genres that changed the face of music forever. A Sharp Shock To The System is a numbered, limited edition publication of 1,000 copies containing 1,670 entries across 1,400 profusely illustrated pages plus 12 pages of full colour illustrations. Each entry contains detailed artists discographies and line-up details for the 1976-1986 era, bibliographies and, in most cases, comment and a critique of their music, details of compilation appearances and an up to date rarity scale for all featured artists' album, EP and 45 releases between 1976 and 1986. Where artists continued beyond 1986, bibliographies continue until the present or until the artist ceased performing and/or recording. There is nothing similar in print covering this era that has the scope and depth of this publication.