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The Mountain Dulcimer Instrumental Album

1 CD
Dulcimer er en betegnelse på flere typer strengeinstrumenter i gruppen zithere. Det finnes to hovedgrupper: brettzithere, der strengene slås an med hammere og gripebrettzithere som spilles med plekter. Forskjellige typer av dulcimer finnes rundt om i verden, deriblant hakkebrett, appalachian dulcimer, den ungarske cimbalom, den rumenske tambal, den tyrkiske og persiske santur (santoor) og den kinesiske yang-chin. . - Innhold:The Red Hair Boy / Marie's Wedding Planxty ; George Brabazon ; Norwegian Woods ; Duncan ; Southwind / The Wind That Shakes The Barley ; Copos De Le Montagne ; Sally In The Garden ; Farewell To Tarwthie / Shebeg And Sheemore ; Soldiers Joy ; Ragutati Ragava Raga Ram ; Singing In The Country ; Dry Bones ; June Apple ; Nightingale ; Thinking About The Old Ways ; Greensleeves ; Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing ; Bring In The Good Ale ; Clementi Sonatina . - The mountain dulcimer is more accurately described as a fretted zither. Performing the songs of traditional mountain folk and contemporary urban musicians, as well as composing his own, Kevin Roth offers a diverse repertoire: an old Virginia fiddle tune, an East Indian melody, a Clementi sonata, a Baptist hymn and pieces by Pete Seeger, Judy Collins and the Beatles.
179 Nkr