The world's most beloved detective, Hercule Poirot - the legendary star of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express and most recently The Monogram Murders and Closed Casket-returns in a stylish, diabolically clever mystery set in 1930's London. Returning home after lunch one day, Hercule Poirot finds an angry woman waiting outside his front door. She demands to know why Poirot has sent her a letter accusing her of the murder of Barnabas Pandy, a man she has neither heard of nor ever met. Poirot has also never heard of a Barnabas Pandy, and has accused nobody of murder. Shaken, he goes inside, only to find that he has a visitor waiting for him - a man who also claims also to have received a letter from Poirot that morning, accusing him of the murder of Barnabas Pandy. Poirot wonders how many more letters of this sort have been sent in his name. Who sent them, and why? More importantly, who is Barnabas Pandy, is he dead, and, if so, was he murdered? And can Poirot find out the answers without putting more lives in danger?
Hercule Poirot kommer hjem fra lunsj og finner en opprørt kvinne ved inngangsdøren. Hun forlanger å få vite hvorfor Poirot har sendt henne et brev der han anklager henne for drapet på Barnabas Pandy, en mann hun aldri har hørt om. Poirot har heller aldri hørt om Barnabas Pandy, og han har ikke anklaget noen for mord. Skjelven, går han inn i huset, for så å oppdage at det sitter en mann og venter på han. Mannen påstår at han har mottatt et brev fra Poirot der han blir anklaget for drapet på Barnabas Pandy. Poirot lurer på hvor mange andre brev som har blitt send ut i hans navn. Hvem sendte brevene og hvorfor? Og enda viktigere, hvem er Barnabas Pandy? Er han død, og ble han drept? Sophie Hannah puster nok en gang liv i Agatha Christies populære karakter Hercule Poirot i dette mysteriet fra 1930 tallets London. Boken inngår i BS engelsk bestselgerabonnement. Omtalen er utarbeidet fra BS.