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2019 . - Bok . - s.
Revised edition. This book details the life of Johnny Thunders, born John Anthony Genzale. Born in Queens, New York in July 1952, Johnny brought to the world his unique style as guitarist, song writer and fashion icon. Facing great challenges in his lifetime, Johnny's musical expression of his creative, sensitive and complex nature has inspired his own and following generations, influencing a multitude of bands. Johnny was a founding member of the New York Dolls, the Heartbreakers and the Oddballs, and created memorable solo work and performances.
781.64092 THU
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1Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk MusikkbøkerUtlånt til 1/4/2025 781.64092 THU

Bastard, the damned, the lords of the new church & more : the authorised biography of Brian James

av John Wombat (by John Wombat)
Bok utgitt 2019
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: musikkbøker 781.64092 JAM)
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The Cramps, beast and beyond : a book about Bryan Gregory

av John Wombat
Bok utgitt 2018
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Musikkbøker 781.66092 WOM)
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The New York Dolls, The Heartbreakers, The Oddballs & More : a book about Johnny Thunders

av John Wombat
Bok utgitt 2019
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Musikkbøker 781.64092 THU)
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Bibliotekarenes bokanmeldelser - fra anbefalinger.deichman.no

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