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1998 . - dc, dg . - 1 kompaktplate
789.942 WIL
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501Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk Country/Americana10533På hylla 789.942 WIL
After three albums, Lucinda Williams’ biggest success came from Mary Chapin Carpenter’s Grammy-winning cover of her song “Passionate Kisses.” Going into her fourth, she was determined to take her recording to the next level. That involved recording, re-recording and going through two producers (Gurf Morlix and Steve Earle) before finishing it up herself. The demand for perfection ended up, well, being perfect. This collection of 13 songs ranged from the ragged country of the title track and folky ballads like “Drunken Angel” to the East Texas blues of “Joy” and Appalachian holler of “Jackson.” Throughout each, the poetry in her lyrics, the passion in her voice and the alchemy in the collection of musicians surrounding her (in addition to Morlix and Earle, the album features John Ciambotti, Donald Lindley, Buddy Miller, Ray Kennedy, Greg Leisz, Roy Bittan, Jim Lauderdale, Charlie Sexton and Emmylou Harris) make for one of my favorite albums period—and the best alt-country album of all time. —Josh Jackson

Fant 13 titler  Vis alle

Live from Austin Tx - Lucinda Williams

DVD utgitt 2005
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U1 - Plassering: Country/Americana)
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Vanished Gardens

av Charles Lloyd (Charles Lloyd & The Marvels + Lucinda Williams)
CD Musikk utgitt 2018
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Jazz LLO)
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av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 2011
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Country/Americana WIL)
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Omslagsbilde:Car wheels on a gravel road
5.0 stjerner

Car wheels on a gravel road

av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 1998
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Country/Americana 789.942 WIL)
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"Mangler stjerner"


av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 2001
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Country/Americana 789.942 WIL)
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Happy woman blues

av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 1990
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Country/Americana WIL)
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Little honey

av Lucinda Williams ([featuring Buick 6])
CD Musikk utgitt 2008
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Country/Americana WIL)
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Live @ the Fillmore

av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 2005
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Country/Americana WIL)
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Omslagsbilde:Lucinda Williams
"Mangler stjerner"

Lucinda Williams

av Lucinda Williams
CD Musikk utgitt 1988
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Country/Americana 789.944 WIL)
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Omslagsbilde:Lucinda Williams
"Mangler stjerner"

Lucinda Williams

av Lucinda Williams
Vinyl utgitt 1988
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: LP-plater q 789.942 WIL)
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