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2007 . - Bok . - 420 s.
781.64092 DAV
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1Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk MusikkbøkerTapt, regning betalt. 781.64092 DAV
This subversively brilliant, one-of-a-kind rock autobiography ingeniously styled as a biography, is written by a nameless, faceless writer hired by an Orwellian entity called "the Corporation" to capture the essence of Ray Davies, lead singer and songwriter of The Kinks and one of the greatest rock and rollers of all time. The Kinks front man reveals his life and times to the young writer, often seemingly passing his stories directly into the writer's consciousness. Carnaby Street, "Top of the Pops," the Cavern Club, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who and other fixtures of the times fade in and out of this compelling narrative. Part autobiography, part social history, part psychological thriller, this elusive and daring book exposes rock stardom as the heaven, hell, and purgatory it is.

Ray Davies loves to write songs from the perspective of eccentric characters. So it’s no surprise he gave his autobiography an uncommon structure: Davies frames it as an interview with his older self, conducted by a young man working for a sinister conglomerate (a stand-in for the music biz). What a great way to both take sly digs at the industry and give the autobiographical form a fresh twist.

Return to Waterloo

[written and directed by] Ray Davies. Come dancing with the Kinks
DVD utgitt 1998
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U1 - Plassering: Musikkfilm)
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Americana : the Kinks, the road and the perfect riff

av Ray Davies
Bok utgitt 2013
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Musikkbøker 781.64092 DAV)
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Other people's lives

av Ray Davies
CD Musikk utgitt 2006
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Pop/Rock DAV)
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Working man's café

av Ray Davies
CD Musikk utgitt 2007
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Pop/Rock DAV)
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X-Ray : the unauthorized autobiography

av Ray Davies (Ray Davis)
Bok utgitt 2007
Ingen ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk - Plassering: Musikkbøker 781.64092 DAV)
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The Kinks greatest hits

av Kinks
CD Musikk utgitt 1996
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, Magasin U2 - Plassering: Pop/Rock KIN)
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Isle of noises : conversations with great British songwriters

av Daniel Rachel
Bok utgitt 2013
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk 781.64 RAC)
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Ray Davies : a Complicated Life

av Johnny Rogan
Bok utgitt 2015
Ledig (Avd.: Sølvberget, 3. etasje Musikk 781.64092 DAV)
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