What unites Katherine Mansfield, Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Rilke, Beethoven, Brexit, the present, the past, the north, the south, the east, the west, a man mourning lost times, a woman trapped in modern times? Spring. The great connective. With an eye to the migrancy of story over time, and riffing on Pericles, one of Shakespeare's most resistant and rollicking works, Ali Smith tells the impossible tale of an impossible time. In a time of walls and lockdown Smith opens the door. The time we're living in is changing nature. Will it change the nature of story? Hope springs eternal.
Hva forener Katherine Mansfield, Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Rilke, Beethoven, Brexit, nåtid, fortid, nord, sør, øst, vest, en mann som sørger over tiden som er gått tapt og en kvinne som er fanget i vår tid? Våren. Ali Smith er tilbake med bok nummer tre i sin prisbelønnede sesongkvartett. Omtalen er utarbeidet av BS.