'Faith, hope and carnage' er en bok om Nick Caves indre liv, og er basert på mer enn førti timer med fortrolige samtaler med Seán O'Hagan. Boken utforsker spørsmål om tro, kunst, musikk, frihet, sorg og kjærlighet. Den er inspirert av Caves eget liv, fra tidlig barndom frem til nå, hans forelskelser, arbeidsetikk og dramatiske transformasjon de siste årene.
Faith, Hope and Carnage is a book about Nick Cave's inner life. Created from over forty hours of intimate conversations with Sean O'Hagan, it is a profoundly thoughtful exploration, in Cave's own words, of what really drives his life and creativity. The book examines questions of faith, art, music, freedom, grief and love.
It draws candidly on Cave's life, from his early childhood to the present day, his loves, his work ethic and his dramatic transformation in recent years. From a place of considered reflection, Faith, Hope and Carnage offers ladders of hope and inspiration from a true creative visionary.